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Dairy Cow Articles

Aldyen Donnelly – Carbon Economics: Incentivizing sustainable farming

Nori is a Seattle-based startup that aims to reverse climate change through their marketplace for carbon removal. Aldyen Donnelly, director of carbon economics with Nori, discusses how the company is helping farmers get paid to fight…

Dr. Frank Mitloehner - Livestock's Environmental Impact: Misinformation about greenhouse gases

As more and more companies promote anti-meat products, many consumers have been left with misconceptions about the relationship between livestock and climate change. Dr. Frank Mitloehner, professor in the department of animal science at…

Rob Saik – How We Feed the Future: Technology for smarter agriculture

Rob Saik, CEO of AGvisorPRO, believes that the next thirty years could be the most important in the history of agriculture, and he claims that in order to support the global population in 2050, agriculture will have to become infinitely…
