Royal Highland Show

AgriScot is one of the premier events in the U.K. agriculture industry, both on the trade side and to a broad cross-section of farmers eager to seek out the products, services, advice and information that will give their businesses a boost. A popular event with dairy, beef and sheep farmers, AgriScot gives Alltech and KEENAN an excellent platform to connect with customers from across the supply chain.
Alltech will be present at stand #119, where the team will focus on feed efficiency and highlight our solutions for rumen function, mineral management and reducing feed waste to improve productivity. Additionally, KEENAN will showcase its range of diet feeders, and the InTouch team will provide demonstrations of the InTouch controller and the InTouch feed management platform.
Learn more here.
June 22, 2023 - June 26, 2023WHERE:
Royal Highland Centre, Edinburgh, United Kingdom