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Gut Health

Building a foundation for lifelong animal performance and producer profitability

The gut is the first line of defense for optimal health and plays a major role in immune function. Alltech nutritionists understand that supporting the animal’s gut from the start is crucial. If the gut is not functioning, the animal’s overall health and performance will suffer.

The Alltech Gut Health Platform focuses on supporting animal performance by promoting favorable bacterial communities, building natural defenses and maximizing growth, enabling the animal to overcome both environmental and physical challenges. Alltech works with animal producers, addressing their specific challenges and taking out the “guesswork”, ensuring success from the inside out.

Help you overcome the gut health challenges in a holistic approach


1. Seed, Feed, Weed Program

It is designed to modify the gut microbial population to establish a favourable microbial population after birth.


2. Antibiotic Reduction Program

It is designed to aid the transition towards minimal antibiotic use. The ultimate goal being to make prophylactic and metaphylaxis antibiotic use significantly reduced or even redundant.


3. Antibiotic-Free Program

It helps to achieve antibiotic-free operation by improving gut health and utilizing holistic nutrition and management practices across all stages of production.

How To Control Gut Health in Your Pigs & Poultry

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Our Technical Support and Services

Our on-and-off farm technical support and services can help you better understand your livestock

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On-farm visits and technical support

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Eggshell quality testing

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Post-mortem analysis

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Antimicrobial Reduction Audit

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Tailored nutritional plans

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Biosecurity audit and advice

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Research papers and laboratories

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Ammonia Monitoring

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Interactive dashboard delivering real-time data

Contact Us For More Information

Alltech Gut Health


A specific strain of yeast designed to feed the gastrointestinal tract


A second-generation, unique, bioactive fraction derived from the outer cell wall of a specific strain of yeast


Provides organic acidifiers, lactic acid-producing bacteria, enzymes and electrolytes


A unique combination of organic acidifiers and electrolytes


A proprietary blend of fatty acids, prebiotic components and readily available mineral forms


A patented formulation of hydrolyzed yeast, natural flavors and organic minerals


A high-quality functional protein from yeast
