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A better way to "know your number"

With a uniquely animal centred approach, the Alltech E-COmodel has been approved by the industry body He Waka Eke Noa to help the dairy industry reach its commitment of every farm "knowing it's number" with respect to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by the end of 2022.

Of the options that have the industry approval, the E-CO2 approach has an entirely different ethos behind it.  Alltech is one of the top five animal health companies globally, and their core competency is fermentation.  Given that GHG is a by-product of fermentation, given that it is the animal that does the fermentation, and with their global experience in animal health and nutrition, Alltech put the animal at the centre of the puzzle.  This means they quantify the improvements in environmental outcomes that come organically as farmers hit their production, health and welfare KPIs.

Alltech E-CO2 brings extensive nutritional expertise and on-farm focus to holistically deliver programmes that utilise a range of advice, tools and services to deliver outcomes that satisfy the animal, consumer and environment.  Taking a partnership approach, they treat the challenge differently.

The Alltech model not only has approval for use in New Zealand, but also carries international standing.  The model is populated with farm-specific animal parameters and feed data, allowing differentiation between farms meaning that every result is a New Zealand farm-specific result.

The life cycle observation approach that is utilised allows the most scope for individuals to exploit the interplay between various elements of their farm and gives the most chance of preserving economic sustainability.  Having completed over 10,000 assessments globally, Alltech can verify that the most efficient and productive farms are consistently the ones with the best environmental footprint.  That is why they put the animal at the centre of their approach.


