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An abundant & nutrient-rich food supply for 2050

March 6, 2018
An abundant & nutrient-rich food supply for 2050

The year is 2050. 

The global population has now reached 9.6 billion people and is increasing every day. You turn on the television, and once again the news turns to how we need the equivalent of three planets in order to feed this unprecedented population. 

Is the world ready for this type of reality? Through the use of sustainable practices and precision agriculture, the answer could be a resounding “yes!”

In October 1945, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations was created, with one of the key goals being to effectively manage the global food system. To celebrate the founding of the organization, World Food Day was created, and this year, the 71st anniversary, the theme is “Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must, too.”

Dr. Steven Borst, general manager of Alltech Crop Science, believes that biotechnology, as an evolving science, is paramount to tackling the challenges of sustainable development. In 1987, The United Nations defined sustainability as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” 

“Having the ability to understand, influence and obtain immediate feedback on how we can assist and maintain the maximum potential inherent to each crop could unlock the keys to yield increases as well as abiotic and biotic stress resistance in ways that we could not imagine,” said Borst. 

In order to feed this growing population, we will have to work together at every level: global, local and individual.

“Regardless of which category you fall under, utilizing sustainable approaches to maximize yields and quality will assist with ensuring that we maintain the successes we have already gained in this battle,” continued Borst. 

To bring the goal of sustainably and feeding 9.6 billion people one step closer to reality, new tools and management practices will be needed. We must be able to do more with less, while improving and maintaining food quality.

Alltech Crop Science utilizes unique technologies that stem from research. By strengthening natural plant processes and providing precise micronutrient availability, crops are better able to withstand environmental stresses and reach their maximum genetic potential in yield and quality.

The increasing use of precision agriculture also enables today’s growers to pinpoint areas under stress. By targeting fertilizer and other input applications only to the affected areas, growers can improve their environmental footprint and even their bottom line.

These new technologies could lead to a 2050 that’s more sustainable for our world, our food production and the operations of the modern grower.

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